Thursday, January 26, 2017




 You get excited by looking at the body. You appreciate and nurture your body. You seek a companion body and get entangled in worldliness. Such a relationship gets expanded like an ocean. When you are sitting ashore, you fall into this ocean of worldliness. You start searching for someone to save you from this ocean of worldliness. At that time I reach out like the twig of a tree or a rope or a log of wood to save you. Thinking 'how could any such irrelevant things save me?' you leave Me aside. You blame that God will not come to rescue when one is in trouble. How can I help you then? I come to save you from the ocean of worldliness. But you are drowned in Maya, thus unable to recognize me. Your wife, kith and kin will not come to your rescue. Yet you are only dependent on them. When I come on My own, you are unable to recognize My power. As you are immersed in the ocean of worldliness, I am also residing within you. Forgetting this truth, you are dependent on the external world, neglecting and forgetting Me. How could I then help you? Never forget that I am there forever. I do not forget you. I always exist in our mutual spiritual relationship. If you realize this truth, I will be there forever to save you.


Have Faith in My Sayings.

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