Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Eleven Promises of Sai Baba in Poetic Form

The Eleven Promises of Sai Baba in Poetic Form

He who puts his feet on Shirdi-soil, Will end his suffering and toil.

He who climbs the steps of "Dwarakamai", Will have plenty, and never cry.

I will be active and vigorous even, after My body to this earth is given.

I shall preach and bless from My tomb, And for My devotees, make a happy-home.

I will be active and vigorous in My tomb. My mortal remains will speak from tomb.

I will help and guide one who comes to Me, He who surrenders: Takes refuge in Me.

If you always look at Me, I will certainly look after thee.

Cast your burden and all your care on My shoulders, I will surely bear.

My advice and help, if you will seek, to My promise, I will always stick.

My devotee's, house will be free from want, A happy healthy peaceful jaunt.

- Dr. Kotwal

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