Saturday, December 12, 2015

We are blessed children of Sai Baba, no need to think about studies and examination

We are blessed children of Sai Baba, no need to think about studies and examination



Every incident seems to be interesting more than the other. But all of them convey the same message that Sai Baba's methods giving Updesh are unique in all cases.


An able teacher was transferred to the primary school of Shirdi from school of another village. His name was Daagi Vamanrao Chidambar. He was concerned about his own future along with his student's future. If any student passed with outstanding results, the teacher was praised and he got promotions. Thus he was always concerned about such perks and taught the students with greatest concentration and care. But the situation of the students on the other side was very different. No one concentrated on studies. All had the same words on their lips, "We are blessed children of Sai Baba, so there is no need to think about studies and examination".


One day Daagi Chidambar opened his heart in front of Kakasaheb Dixit, "Kaka (uncle) you are an elderly person of this village. All people respect you a lot. Please you try to make my students' parents understand the importance of paying attention towards studies. Their children are fully dependent on Baba, they do not work hard. If this continues, I will lose hard earned fame in my entire career. All of them say that they will wake up early on the examination day, have darshan of Baba, partake prasad of Udi and thus presume to be passed and there is no reason for worrying about examination and studies".


"Kaka! I am passing sleepless nights worrying that all my hard work and fame will be washed away due to such students of Shirdi."


Kakasaheb answered, "Daagi! Keep patience and be calm. Just wait for the results. As the students have full faith in Sai Baba, so does the Fakir bears love for them. He is sure to help them. Moreover He is also concerned about you, even if you have faith in him or not. He is worried for everyone's welfare and does well to everyone."


An inspector named Deshmukh was present in Shirdi for inspection. He was well known for his strictness and dedication to his work. This made Daagi's heart beats double in a minute and his body started perspiring. He knew that the students did not study whole year, so his hard work and efforts for gaining a respectable position in his career would end up uselessly. He even feared of losing his job.


The result day was a big surprise for Daagi. Even weakest of weakest student passed with good marks. Now Daagi realized the powers and mercy of Sai Baba. He went to Dwarkamai and fell at the ground and did Shashtang Namaskars to Baba. He said, "I have gained everything by coming to Shirdi and much pleased by your darshan. All my sins, sorrows and poverty have ended in front of you. The Almighty has given me the fruit of all my past births by showing me the path of Shirdi. The way to heaven is from Shirdi. O Grateful Sai, I do not want any money, designation or anything else, but give a blessing that I spend my whole life in Shirdi and I can meet my death in this Holy Land. I fold my hands before you please grant me one and only wish."


Sai Baba, God of Gods promised Daagi to give pure Bhakti and led him to the path of salvation.


As time passed, Daagi got many promotions in school of Shirdi. He purchased his own land in Shirdi. He then permanently stayed in Shirdi with his family. After retirement, he used to meditate on Sai Baba whole day. He gained much devotion for Baba with His grace and was fortunate enough to be a part of many Leelas of Baba. As per his wish he breathed last on the soil of Shirdi and merged in its dust.






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