Thursday, July 23, 2015

When death is an advantage. Baba does not avert it.

When death is an advantage. Baba does not avert it.


(Sometime after Baba revived a kid that seemed to fall down dead in mid-day heat, a woman came and cried for Udhi to save her son who was bitten by a cobra. That was not given; and the boy died. She came again and cried)


H S Dixit: Baba, the woman's cries are heart rending. For my sake, revive her dead son.


Baba: Bhav, do not get entangled in this. Bhav, what has happened is for good. He has entered into a new body. In that body, he will do especially good work which cannot be accomplished in this body, which is seen here. If I draw him back into this body then the new body he has taken will die and this this body will live. I will do this for your sake. But have you considered the consequences? Have you any idea of the responsibility and are you prepared to take it up?


H.S. Dixit desisted from pressing his requests.




(Baba's Charters and Sayings, No. 321)

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