Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dakshina asked for giving effect to intention

Dakshina asked for giving effect to intention


M. W. Pradhan, when starting to see Baba for the first time intended to give him Rs.20, in silver, and for that purpose got a Rs.50 note changed.


When he actually came to Baba and dakshina was asked, he changed his mind and wanted to give gold. So he gave a sovereign.


Baba: What is this?


Noolkar: This is a guinea.


Baba: What is it worth?


Noolkar: Rs.15.


Baba: I do not want this.    Give me Rs.15, and keep this.


And Pradhan carefully treasured up the coin touched by Baba and gave him 15 silver rupees.


Baba, (counting it over and over): Here is only Rs. 10. Give me Rs.5. more:


M. W.Pradhan: Here is Rs.5 more.


Thus, under colour of wrong calculation and putting to test also M.W.P.'s combativeness in dealing with his own guru, Baba gave effect to his intention to pay Rs.20.


After receiving the Rs.20, he did not ask for anything more.


(- from Baba's Charters and Sayings, No. 244)


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