Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Auspicious Vedic Mantras for pregnant ladies (Translation)

Vandana trayee. Prayers to Lord Agni -- Bless me and my husband with long life, good understanding and integration of our body mind and soul and a lasting relationship in this birth and also in future births. Bless US with a good child. Let my children be happy and healthy and my house be full of auspicious things. May Goddess Subhalakshmi (righteous/auspicious wealth) come to me and may I be a good householder giving love, affection and devotion and with courtesy and hospitality for every one. Bless us with a long life.
Prayer to Surya -- Bless us with shining wisdom.
Prayer to Lord Agni -- Be present in my womb and give strength to my womb and my unborn child and may my child grow to be a good and courageous child. Bless my child and the child's father. Bless us with good children, a home and a long healthy life.
Prayer to Lord Indra -- May the delivery be a safe one for the child and the mother.
Prayer to Lord Vishnu -- Let the child in my womb reside safely for the right length of time.
Prayer to Soma -- Give me the strength and the ability to hold the child in the womb.
Prayer to Twashta -- May the child created be a beautiful one.

Prayer to Agni and Devas -- Bless me and my children with good longevity and fulfill all my needs and desires and let me receive love from all in the world. Bless me with good energy to have healthy and well developed children.
Prayer to the seasons -- Vasanta, Grishma, Varsha, Sharath, Hemantha and Shishira seasons performed the Ekadasha Ratra Yagya and were blessed with good children. May the ones who listen to these mantras be blessed with good and healthy children.
Prayer to Lord Indra, Lord Agni and Soma -- May my womb be a safe place for my child.
Prayer to Lord Indra -- O, Lord Indra, fulfill all my desires and bless my child with vitality and bless my child so he uses the energy for good deeds.
Prayer to Lord Dhata -- Bless me and my child with Sakala Sowbhagyam -- all types of good fortune.
Prayer to Soma and Raka Devi --Destroy the bad Karmas and bless me with a healthy child who will tread the righteous path with auspicious thoughts and be fortunate.
(Mantras in audio in the below link)

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