Friday, February 22, 2013

Pleasure goes with pain

Pleasure goes with pain


A man was passing on the road when he saw a blind man. He wanted to take the blind man for dinner. But as he had to go in a hurry, he told the blind man to come to his house and have dinner with him. He went to his wife and asked her to have one more meal prepared as he had invited a blind man for dinner. His wife replied she would prepare two extra meals. When asked why she was preparing meals for two instead of one, she said, "The blind man will not come alone, he will be led by another."


This illustration is to show that worldly happiness does not come to us alone but is always accompanied by sorrow. Pleasure born of material things is always mixed with sorrow. The objects of the senses cannot give us unmixed happiness; that is the experience of every one of us. We must, therefore, rise above the pairs of opposites and, going deep into the heart, discover the eternal source of joy within and behold the whole universe as Divine, ever filled with light, joy and peace.


Unknown said...

Sai Baba, I Love a guy and i need to marry him, i cannot marry another one and dont want to spoil another ones life.... but he is ready to marry another girl leaving me crying all my remaining days.......... please help me or else i need to give my life to you for his lovely new life............

Unknown said...

Sai Baba,

Save me or Take me................