Monday, July 2, 2012




Baba said, "You won't get any such opportunity hereafter" in Sri Sai Satcharita, Ch. 48.


There was a king who was a great devotee of Mother Goddess.

Once, a big army attacked his kingdom. Out of fear, he prayed to the Mother Goddess.

Goddess Parashakti appeared before him and blessed him with a sword.

The king, instead of using that powerful sword, said 'O, Mother, I cannot fight'.

Parashakti said, 'I will bless you with physical energy, go and fight'. The king still refused. This went on until the Goddess finally said 'You are destined to die'.

Alas, the king who got such a wonderful opportunity to turn his negatives to positives by the grace of the Goddess, lost his chance due to his own lack of faith and lack of sankalpa shakti, arising out of the ignorance of his own mind.

Thus due to his own restless and fickle mind he turned this opportunity of acquiring nectar into venom.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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