Tuesday, July 31, 2012




Baba said, "If it has wholehearted and complete faith, it will be one with Supreme Consciousness." In Sri Sai Satcharita, Ch. 3.


Once there was a priest. He used to travel far and wide to deliver sermons. He would read out the Bible to the people, exhort them to say their prayers and also tell them how to pray properly. Once he reached an isolated island by a ship. There lived three old men. They were very simple, unsophisticated and ordinary people.


The priest asked, "Do you say prayers?"


They said, "We only know how to remember God. That is all. We do not know anything else."


The priest asked, "How do you remember Him?"


They said innocently, "We just sit down and say, 'protect us, protect us.'"


Giving them a dirty look, the priest said sternly, "Is this the way to pray? You have wasted the whole of your life. I will tell you the proper way to say your prayers."


The priest taught them a prayer from the Bible. The poor old people were illiterate. They would forget it again and again and the priest had to tell it repeatedly.


After teaching the prayer, the priest left their place by the ship. After a little while, when night fell, the priest noticed that three lights were advancing towards the ship.


The priest wondered what it could be.


When the lights reached near the ship, the priest noticed that the three old men, with lantern on their hands, were fast approaching the ship, walking on the water, the way we walk on the earth!


The priest gasped on wonderment at this sight.


The old men shouted, "Priest, sire please stop for a minute. We have forgotten the prayer you had taught us. Kindly say it again to us."


The priest exclaimed, "You are walking on the water!"


One of the old men said, "What is there to be surprised at? We do not have any boat but we can walk comfortably. We humbly requested God to help us to reach you; thereafter we started walking."


The priest folded his hands and said, "Holy men, please go back. You need not learn anything. You should keep on remembering God the same way you have been doing it earlier; God enshrined in your hearts, listens to your sincere devout call. That is all."


You need not have wealth, strength, prosperity or bookish knowledge to attain God. The only way to attain Him is to call Him with strong faith in Him. What did those old men possess? Nothing. The only thing they had was their strong faith in God. With that faith as their only possession, they would call God, say to Him, whatever they wanted to and ask Him whatever they needed. With that faith they attained the power, which is beyond the reach of even the great mystics.


If strong faith in God springs from your heart, nothing else will be left to be done by you. You will overcome all your miseries. God will extend His hands towards you. Do not miss catching hold of those hands then.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Add Lord to Solve Your Problems

There was once a very wealthy man in a village, he had 19 horses and when he was dying he made his will and in the will he distributed all his property and it said, "half of the horses should go to my son, one forth of the horses I have should go to the village priest, and one fifth of the horses I have should go to my servant" and the man died.

Everyone came there scratching their heads, 19 horses, half of the horses should go to sons, what 9 and ½ horses, how to divide, one forth of the horses, how we are going to divide that and everyone kept scratching their heads, they were just not able to divide the horses in that proportion. Then a very wise saint came riding on a horse, he said that "I will give the solution to your problem. You want to divide 19 horses into 1/4th, 1/5th and ½, very simple". The other's said, " have you gone crazy, how you divide 19 horses into half".

The saint got off the horse and then he also put his horse with the 19 horses, that became 20 horses. Now half of 20 is how much, 10 which goes to the son, 1/4th of the 20 is 5 which goes to the village priest and 1/5th of 20 is 4 which goes to the servant, 10+5+4=19. This is how the 19 horses of the man were divided and the saint then took back his horse and rode away.

Solutions are very simple. We have multiple problems in our life, 19 problems in our life, add God, the 20th, Add SAIBABA to your life, everything will be worked out smoothly. Here is an working example.

Monday, July 9, 2012



Mysterious is the path of action

Baba said, "You see mysterious is the path of action. Though I do nothing, they hold Me responsible for the actions which take place on account of destiny." – Sri Sai Sai Satcharita, Ch. 34.

A true story from Loran in J&K (Poonch & Rajouri) Sector. A tale reflecting the character & high values of the brave men guarding the nation...

They were on their way to the post where they would be deployed for next three months. The batch being relieved was waiting anxiously for their arrival so that they could fall back to safer confines of their parent unit. Some would proceed on leave and meet their families. They were happy that they were to relieve a set of comrades who had done their job. It was a treacherous climb and the journey was to last till the next evening. Cold winter month with intermittent snowfall added to the torture.

If only someone could offer a cup of tea, the Major thought, knowing completely well that it was a futile wish.

They continued for another hour before they came across a dilapidated structure which looked like a small shop. It was locked.

It was 2 o'clock in the night and there was no house close to the shop where the owner could be located. In any case it was not advisable to knock any doors in the night for security reasons.

It was a stalemate. No tea boys, bad luck.

The Major told the men to take some rest since they had been walking for more than three hours now.

Sir, this is a tea shop indeed and we can make tea. We will have to break the lock though. The officer was in doubt about the proposed action but a steaming cup of tea was not a bad idea. He thought for a while and permitted for the lock to be broken. The lock was broken.

They were in luck.

The place was a shop indeed and had everything required to make tea, and also a few packets of biscuits.

The tea was prepared and it brought great relief to all in the cold night. They were now ready for the long and treacherous walk ahead of them and started to get ready to move.

The officer was in thoughts. They had broken open the lock and prepared tea and consumed biscuits without the permission of the owner. The payment was due but there was no one in sight.

The Major was not however moving out without doing what was to be done. He took out a Rs 1000/- note from his wallet and kept it on the counter, pressed under the sugar container, so that the owner sees it first thing when he arrives in the morning.

He was now relieved of the guilt and ordered the move.

Days, weeks and months passed. They continued to do gallantly what they were required to do and were lucky not to loose any one from the original group in the intense insurgency situation.

And then one day, it was time to be replaced by another brave lot.

Soon they were on their way back and stopped at the same shop, which was today open with the owner in place. He was an old man with very meager resources and was happy to see eight of them with the prospect of selling at least eight cups of tea that day.

All of them had their tea and spoke to the old man about his life and experiences in general, selling tea at such remote a location.

The poor, old man had many stories to tell all of them, replete with his faith in God.

"Kya Baba, yadi Allah hota to kyaa aap ke jaisa 'Allah kaa bandaa' is haal main hota, said one of them"; moved by his poverty and faith in God.

"Nahin Sahib, aise mat kaho, God actually exists.

I got the proof a few months back.

I was going through very tough times because my only son had been severely beaten by the terrorists who wanted some information from him which he did not have. I had closed the shop early that day and had taken my son to the hospital. There were medicines to be purchased and I had no money. No one would give me a loan from fear of the terrorists. There was no hope, Sahib.

And that day Sahib, I had prayed to Allah for help.

And that day Sahib, Allah walked into my shop.

When I returned to my shop that day and saw the lock broken, I thought someone had broken in and had taken away whatever little I had. But then I saw that 'Allah' had left Rs 1000/-under the sugar pot. Sahib, I can't tell you what that money was worth that day. Allah exists Sahib, he does.

I know people are dying every day here but all of you will soon meet your near and dear ones, your children, and you must thank your God Sahib, he is watching all of us. He does exist. He walked in my shop that day. I know he did."

The faith in his eyes was unflinching.

It was unnerving.

Seven set of eyes looked t their officer and read the order in his eyes clear and unambiguous, 'Keep quiet.'

The officer got up and paid the bill and hugged the old man.

"Yes Baba, I know, God does exist - and yes the tea was wonderful".

Seven set of eyes did not miss the moisture building in the eyes of the Major, a rare sight.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

10 wise sayings from Dalai Lama on his birthday

Today, July 6, is the birthday of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the exiled Tibetans. Here are ten thoughts from the gentle leader who espouses compassion:


1. "This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."


2. "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."


3. "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."


4. "All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness. The important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."


5. "Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive."


6. "If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them."


7. "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


8. "We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection."


9. "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck."


10. "Sleep is the best meditation."



Thursday, July 5, 2012

Give Give Give

Baba said, "Give with faith, give with magnanimity, i.e. liberally, give with modesty, with awe and with sympathy." – Sri Sai Satcharia, Ch. 14.


A person was advised by a holy man to gift a vegetable a day and told that he would attain great merit by doing so.

The poor man strictly followed the advice. After death, he was reborn in a royal family and grew up to become a king. He was able to recall what he had done in his past birth. So, he continued to gift a vegetable a day.

Surprisingly, after death, he was reborn as a beggar. The man was unable to comprehend the reason and so sought the advice of the holy man who had earlier blessed him.

From the sage, he learnt that prior to becoming a king he had been very poor and so a gift of a vegetable aday was sufficient to give him a lot of virtue.

On the other hand, as a king he was endowed with affluence. So, thereafter, the gift of just a vegetable a day was quite insufficient to earn him merit of any consequence.

The person realized that the extent of charity needed to earn a certain degree of merit depends upon one's financial status.

Monday, July 2, 2012




Baba said, "You won't get any such opportunity hereafter" in Sri Sai Satcharita, Ch. 48.


There was a king who was a great devotee of Mother Goddess.

Once, a big army attacked his kingdom. Out of fear, he prayed to the Mother Goddess.

Goddess Parashakti appeared before him and blessed him with a sword.

The king, instead of using that powerful sword, said 'O, Mother, I cannot fight'.

Parashakti said, 'I will bless you with physical energy, go and fight'. The king still refused. This went on until the Goddess finally said 'You are destined to die'.

Alas, the king who got such a wonderful opportunity to turn his negatives to positives by the grace of the Goddess, lost his chance due to his own lack of faith and lack of sankalpa shakti, arising out of the ignorance of his own mind.

Thus due to his own restless and fickle mind he turned this opportunity of acquiring nectar into venom.