Sunday, September 25, 2011


"We always see the phenomena, i.e. things as they outwardly appear, and not the Noumenon which underlies all the visible things." – Sri Sai Satcharitra Ch. 26.


A man was given capital punishment for his crime. Some scientists went to him and said," You will be hanged to death on so and so date, is that true?" He replied that it was true and that there was no way he could be saved. Then the scientists asked him if he could give his body for experimentation before his death for the welfare of mankind. That man agreed. The scientists took written permission to perform this experiment from the court.


The scientists, the psychiatrists and the doctors came all equipped the day the man was to be hanged. They started their experiment. They told the man that anyway he has to die, so instead of getting hanged he would die of snakebite. They said that they have to find out how the poison spreads in the body and how a man dies after snakebite. They convinced him that they wanted to explore about the remedy to cure man of snake poison.


They asked the man if this was ok with him. He gave his consent for the whole procedure. The scientists gave a life demonstration of death of a horse due to snakebite. A few minutes after the snake bit the horse, it fell down. A few seconds thereafter it trembled and died.


The scientists then told the man that this procedure will be followed for him and this is how his final journey shall be.


The man's eyes were covered with a black band and upper half of body was covered with a veil so that he could not see anything. Now he was notified that in another two minutes the snake would bite him.


They used a rat instead of snake for the whole procedure, but the man was told that the snake had bitten him and that he was about to die. Scientists knew that it was a rat but the criminal assumed that a snake had bitten him. His mind was convinced that a snake had bitten him, and therefore he had a strong belief that he would die in the same manner as the horse.


As soon as the rat bit him, the internal power of his mind produced trembling in his body. The man trembled in the same way as the horse had done and died.


Scientists investigated his blood and found snake poison there when actually no snake had bitten him. He died because he was meditating on the fact that he will die of snakebite!


Thus, the mind has strong influence on the body. This is called Mental Influence. Scientists could understand that mind influences the body, but they were surprised finding snake poison in the criminal's blood, when actually snake had not bitten him. Where did it come from? They drew the inference that mind has so much power that it can even produce poison!


It is due to the influence of mind that we start trembling by visualising a tree to be a thief in the dark or by assuming a rope to be a snake. But in reality if we assume an actual snake to be a rope, we pass by keeping our foot over its head confidently.


The state of mind has strong influence over your body and your behaviour.


Therefore, it doesn't matter how many obstacles or how many road blocks hit your way, do not let the sincerity of mind get lost, because it is the mind which will enable us realise & attain the victory.

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