Friday, April 15, 2011

A Comforting Verse

A Comforting Verse


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son. — ROMANS 8:28 – 29


It's a promise we've staked our lives on for years. The idea of God being in control can sound alarming, but once we settle into the promise, it begins to feel immensely comfortable. If God did not restrain evil, then headaches and hardships would come barreling at us, uncontrolled. His decrees and ordinances shape good and evil in such a way as to warn us of hell, woo us toward heaven, and fit us for life here and in the hereafter — all inspired by his love, pure and passionate.


You can't ignore love like this. You can't sit on a fence or put it off until later. The love of Romans 8 begs a daily response. God is working all things together for your good today. Will you not participate with him  through your obedience? Today you may be forced to make tough decisions, as well as choices in hardship. Today you may be tempted in a new area — a part of you that you thought was safe. God is working for your good. Will you not obey him and work for his glory?


When we say yes to following God, and when we say no to worrying or fears of the future, walls collapse, sashes are thrown open, and windows in your life are raised to let in the fresh air of change and transformation. One day heaven will arrive and we will embrace each other, free of pain, and marvel how God worked it all, everything, lock, stock, and barrel, for our good. Until that day, until God drops the curtain on suffering, let's commit to work for his glory.


Thank you, Father, for working everything in my life into a pattern for good. I want to participate with you and work today for your glory!

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