Tuesday, November 9, 2010




Once there was a kind and wise King who always upheld justice. He had a minister who was a wicked fellow. He always enjoyed punishing innocent people and helping dishonest people.


Subbayya was a poor but honest man in a remote village. During his visits, the arrogant minister insulted the poor villagers where subbayya lived. They were afraid to report this incident to the king. But Subbayya could not tolerate it. He approached the king and presented a petition against the minister. The minister was, therefore, very angry. He was waiting for an opportunity to punish Subbayya.


Subayya was suffering due to frequent unemployment. Whenever there was no work, he had to starve. He approached the king and requested for granting him a piece of land for cultivation. The minister now saw an opportunity to punish Subbayya. He suggested to the king to grant a piece of a particular land to Subbayya.


Subbayya was very happy that the king was kind enough to grant him a piece of land. He felt glad that he become the owner of some land. When he approached the land he was surprised to see that the land was infested with poisonous snakes. He was totally disappointed and felt sorry for his fate.


He did not know what to do. He could not use the land. He was not brave enough to meet the king again and complain about it. He knew that the unseen hand of the minister was behind his getting the snake infested land. Not knowing what to do, he prayed to God for several days to show him a way out.


One day while he was praying intensely, a flash of idea struck his mind. He felt that he could take out poison from the snakes and sell it to make money.


He realized that if one door is closed, God keeps open another door. When he made an announcement of the availability of poison, many doctors from different places came forward to buy snake venom for use in medicines. Within three years his snake infested land earned for him a fortune "Subbayya's Snake Farm" became very famous and he became a millionaire during his life time.


'Believe in God and He will show you a way out of any problem.'




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