Saturday, October 30, 2010




A Samurai (a Japanese warrior) had lent some money to a fisherman, and set out to collect it a year later. Upon seeing the Samurai, the fisherman bowed humbly and said, "It has been a very bad year for me and I regret I don't have the money to repay you." Hearing this the Samurai quickly drew his sword to kill the fisherman. Fearing that his life was at an end, the fisherman spoke out boldly, "For some time now I have been studying martial arts," he replied, "and one of the lessons that my master teaches is never to strike when you are angry."


Thinking about what the fisherman had said, the Samurai lowered his sword. "Your master is wise," said the Samurai, "as a student of the art of the sword I too, have heard that lesson many times, but I get so angry I act without thinking." Putting away his sword, the Samurai said, "You shall have another year to repay your debt, or I shall take your life instead." And he walked away.


It was already dark by the time the Samurai arrived home. Seeing no lights on in the house he crept in quietly not wishing to wake the servants or his wife. As he entered his bedroom, he noticed his wife was sleeping with a Samurai. Swiftly he drew his sword to slay them both. Just then the fisherman's words came back to him, "Never strike when you are angry." Pausing, he took a deep breath, and then on purpose he made a loud noise. The sound woke his wife and the stranger. When his wife lit a candle, he found himself face to face with his wife and his mother, who was dressed in his clothes.


"What is the meaning of this," he demanded, "I almost slew you both." His wife quickly explained that when he had not returned by night fall, they decided to dress his mother up in his clothes to keep away intruders. At that moment the Samurai realized his habit of "striking without thinking" had almost cost him the life of his wife and his mother.


A year later the Samurai met the fisherman. "It has been an excellent year my Lord, here is all the money I owe you." "Keep your money," replied the Samurai, "you don't know it, but your debt was paid long ago."


Always remember: Never act when you are emotional.

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