Saturday, September 11, 2010




by Arup K. Isaacs


Dr Stephen Hawking's latest declaration that "God does not exist"  is very thought-provoking statement but the answer is very simple.


Dr Hawking is a hardcore materialist who believes that gross matter is the sole reality and that everything has originated from it and obeys the physical laws.


So, in his limited view, non-computational entities like consciousness, mind, life, thoughts, will, deja vu, sensations, feelings and emotions are of physical origin but obviously he's wrong as physical or mathematical analyzes apply only to analyzing gross material quantities or movements like mass, speed, force, charge, capacitance, viscosity, etc. Whereas science has never and never will understand via gross physical methods the basis and functions of consciousness, mind, life, thoughts, will, deja vu, sensations, feelings and emotions and their relation with gross matter as these non-computational entities though they inhere in and to an extent interact with gross matter yet they exceed the scope of gross matter and are as such of supra-physical origin.


According to quantum physics, when the 4-dimensional spatio-temporal physical universe is dissolved at the end of a cosmic cycle it enters into a subtler stato-dynamic state (quantum mechanical vacuum made up of a sea of virtual particles) and thereafter when the equilibrium is lost the subtler energy with its innate 4-dimensional spatio-temporal blueprint becomes grosser and gets projected back as the physical 4-dimensional universe and this keeps repeating itself in cyclical fashion.


No matter how much Dr Hawking and others of his kind deny these harsh truths they can never replicate, analyze, understand, quantify or isolate the supra-physical entities and here lies the clue about God's existence for believers in God. So, knowing nothing better aside from gross matter, our ignorant scientists are stuck with superstitious hypothesis like insentient matter serving as the sole reality that somehow gives rise to sentience. What a shocking paradox!


Religion has given a very poor account of itself down the ages with its myths, superstitions, dogmas, fanaticism, intolerance and iconoclasm and most religious texts are filled with mumbo jumbo theories of creation from nothing etc.


The dualistic idea of an extra-cosmic, anthropomorphic and creationist god who somehow created the primal energy, matter, consciousness and mind from nothing and who despite having no causal connection with the cosmos yet managed to manufacture these out of nothing and can govern them as well is nonsense and this fictional idea of god and creation is what invites the derision of the scientific community.


Thus Monotheism or Tauheed that is dualistic and based on this crude theory of creationism has been rejected by scientists and mystics alike.


Monism or Non-dualism or Advaita that preaches that a singular self-existent Source (Godhead) that serves as both the material and functional Cause or Origin of everything gives rise to the multi-dimensional Cosmic Manifestation. This makes perfect sense and is in agreement with reason, experiment and experience. Thus monism is the correct view of the Reality - science goes by a gross physical monism by which it considers a self-existent Grand Unified Physical Force as the ultimate reality that upon manifestation (not "creation" as this word "creation" implies a making of something from nothing which is absurd) gives rise to the physical 4-dimensional cosmic system but this theory fails to account for the non-computational or supra-physical entities and is consequently in error but mysticism goes far beyond science and makes Pure Consciousness as the Singularity or Ultimate Source that gives rise to the Cosmic Manifestation. As science cannot account for non-computational entities like consciousness, mind, life, thoughts, will, deja vu, sensations, feelings and emotions their physical monism is false or misleading and as such the monism based on Consciousness as serving as the ultimate self-existent Source of the Cosmic Manifestation appears correct as it rationally explains both the Supra-physical as well as physical elements of existence.


Godhead is the Pure Consciousness; the Cosmos is a graduated and a partial manifestation of the Godhead.


I'd like to quote the profound insight offered by Shree Aurobindo on the subject of consciousness:  Consciousness is not only "power of awareness" of self and things or events; it is or has also a "dynamic" and "creative" energy. It can determine its own reactions or abstain from reactions; it can not only answer forces, but create or put out from itself forces. Consciousness is "Chit" (Awareness) but also "Chit Shakti" (Consciousness-Force).


If by universe Dr Stephen Hawking means just the physical dimension of the totality then he's using inchoate scientific reasoning with its theories of quantum mechanical vacuum (QMV) etc. The QMV etc are the grossest aspects of the Cosmic Manifestation. As gross material theories fail to account for consciousness, mind, emotions, life, will, sensations, thoughts, deja vu, feelings, prophetic visions and other supra-physical entities and given their inability to explain these the one question of fundamental importance that arises is this: Whether matter is derivative of consciousness or is consciousness an aspect of matter. However, since gross matter cannot explain the phenomena of consciousness, mind, emotions, life, will, sensations, thoughts, deja vu, feelings and other supra-physical entities without resorting to paradoxes and inanities the only alternative is to consider consciousness (pure awareness and force) as constituting the basis of matter or the material and efficient cause of the cosmic manifestation.


1) "The basic element by which we can discern anything with its feeling and properties is Consciousness which cometh from Super Conscious flow with graduated materializing form - that all Consciousness may be conscientious in conflict with others."  (Shree Shree Anukul Chandra Thakurji)


2) "Consciousness is not only "power of awareness" of self and things or events; it is or has also a "dynamic" and "creative" energy. It can determine its own reactions or abstain from reactions; it can not only answer to forces, but create or put out from itself forces. Consciousness is "Chit" but also "Chit Shakti"(Consciousness-Force)!"  (Shree Aurobindo)


The self-existent Absolute Consciousness is PURE AWARENESS  and Force and serves as both the material and efficient Source of the Manifestation but in Its lower aspect as the Causal-Mechanism of the Supracosmic and Cosmic Manifestation It contains within Its Supreme Self an inherent SYSTEM of names and forms (both good and bad aspects imbued with a modicum of free will), that, in differing degrees, get projected at the commencement of a cosmic cycle and get withdrawn back into the Origin at the end of a cosmic cycle if the projected combination is not evolutionary...that depends on what It wants to achieve by way of divine play.


However, these names and forms, good or bad, that inhere in the Absolute can be dissolved by the Absolute Consciousness if It chooses to and thereafter all the names and forms (good or bad) will, on dissolution, be reduced to their raw materials and forces that inhere in the Absolute (as seed materials and forces) that can be fashioned into names and forms of other kinds (good or bad or only good or only bad) and projected as the Manifestation as and when the Absolute decides to do so.




PS: To get at the root cause of the cosmos one has to employ the Yoga to enter deeper planes of consciousness by the method of identity in consciousness of the subject with the object to inquire into such profound queries concerning self, purpose of existence, true laws of nature and universe.


Best Regards,

Arup K Isaacs


[ Arup K. Isaacs, a disciple of ANANT SRI BABA, is a Christian by birth & practice, in which he has done better after taking 'dikhsa' and also the sacred thread-Yagyopavita. He is an educationist based in Mumbai. ]


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