Thursday, March 11, 2010




Shirdi Sai Baba said, “It is not enough merely to prostrate before the Jnanis. We must make Sarvaswa Sharangati (complete surrender) to the Sad-guru” in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XXXIX .


A devotee of Krishna, filled with love of the Lord, moved along the streets of a town. He was so absorbed in singing the glories of God that he did not see what lay in front of him and trod over the clothes which the washermen had spread on the grass to dry.


Naturally the washermen were infuriated. They took sticks with which to beat the miscreant. In his sad plight, he cried, “Krishna! Save me!”


Krishna came running to the rescue of His devotee. Before He could reach him, the devotee had picked up stones from the ground to throw at the washermen. Krishna said, “If he thinks he can defend himself, let him do it.”


And Krishna quietly retired.




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