Saturday, January 30, 2016

Let the exam dates pass away, you don't worry, you stay in Shirdi calmly

Let the exam dates pass away, you don't worry, you stay in Shirdi calmly



In an earlier post it was narrated that Kakasaheb lived in Shirdi leaving behind his family and children in Vile Parle in Mumbai. Kakasaheb was engrossed in Baba's company the whole day.


The only aim of Kakasaheb's life was to serve Baba whole heartedly and thus proceed to the path of Sadgati.


Kakasaheb's son Ramkrishna was not well in Mumbai. A letter informing this was sent to Kakasaheb in Shirdi. Kakasaheb wished to go to Mumbai, but Baba said, "What's the use of going to Mumbai? Instead call your son to Shirdi."


Kakasaheb sent a letter to Mumbai to bring his son to Shirdi as per Baba's orders. Kakasaheb's brother Rajaram Dixit was present in Mumbai after hearing about his nephew's illness. He opposed saying, "Why should this poor boy be taken to Shirdi?" But Kakasaheb's wife had strong faith in Baba's words and she was determined to go to Shirdi with her son.


They hired a tonga from Kopergaon. As soon as the tonga reached near Nanduram's shop, the boy jumped from the tonga with fullest energy. The fever had vanished and he was hale and hearty as before. What is the power of Shirdi's soil!! He had grown much weaker due to his illness, but he regained energy as soon as he breathed in Shirdi and his feet touched the soil of Shirdi. All sorts of medicines (allopathy and homeopathy) were given to the boy, but he was cured by a special type of medicine 'Namopathy'. As per Kakasaheb Dixit, 'Namopathy' was the best medicine to cure any disease. Namopathy means remembering Baba's name with complete faith. Such was Kakasaheb's devotion and faith towards Baba.


Ramakrishna and his mother passed twenty days in Shirdi serving Baba in their own way. Meanwhile a letter addressed to Kakasaheb was received from Mumbai. It was advised to Ramakrishna to immediately return to Mumbai as his exams were starting from November 3, 1913.


Kakasaheb went to Baba with the letter. Baba said, "There is no need to go to Mumbai". Kakasaheb was a very learned and intelligent person, still he never argued in front of Baba. Kakasaheb followed the practice of following the words of Baba, considering it as 'Brahma Vakya' meaning words of Lord Brahma.


But it was the question of his son's future. Once exam dates are announced there was no possibility of its changing. Thus Kakasaheb's devotion also started doubting at such words of Baba. At last, Kakasaheb came to the decision to behold Baba's words with complete faith and left the responsibility of his son's future on Baba's shoulders.


The date of examination i.e. November 3 passed away. Again a letter from Mumbai was directed to Shirdi. The exam was postponed as plague epidemic had spread and so exams were starting from November 6. Hence it was advised to Ramakrishna to reach Mumbai before exam date.


Now only one day was remaining for the exam, so Kakasaheb went to Baba to take permission to leave. Baba answered, "Let the exam date pass away. You don't worry, you stay in Shirdi calmly. Allah is Malik, He will take care".


Baba was fully aware of the happenings in Mumbai. To save Ramakrishna and his mother from the epidemic, He did not allow them to leave Shirdi. Again a letter from Mumbai was sent to Kakasaheb informing the final dates of exam i.e. November 13. This time Baba allowed them to go to Mumbai. Due to illness and stay in Shirdi, Ramakrishna was not well prepared for exams,  but he passed with outstanding marks by Baba's grace.



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