Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to become fearless

It is important to understand that the air never gets depleted from the universe no matter how much is consumed. We are floating in a pool.

Natural law is that what one may absorb, others may not be absorbing it. For example: A leaf takes green colour, the flower is not absorbing is taking another colour.

If someone absorbs fear, he is making someone else fearless.  That individual is creating that field, atmosphere around by being receptive to it.....

Don't take fear. An environment of fear is self-created...  enhancing the devil by feeling fearful of him. By being fearful, someone else is becoming fearless. This is how terrorists work!

Each one is poorn. The Supreme has made everyone a reflection of itself.... Be fearless and counter attack. Now we have to be fearless, aware and conscious. This is the message.

Understand the subtleties. Everything is floating in the universe. Universe balances all. Same sun rays fall on the cactus as on the flower, what they do not absorb, shows on them.

Doubts and fear come when you are fearful, karmheen.

Face your fears... counteract by saying: "Why should I be scared when I am truly working on my self?" People often become submissive. Say to yourself: "I am in surrender if I am truthful  then divine help will always be there for me" Energy is depleted by being fearful. Forward your fears to the Universe. "I am on path of truth love karm and light, I am not taking it."

Watch the body language change. Grace will descend.....Be a worthy medium of divine grace.


Karm is dharm.......Love never fails.....Truth always conquers

By: Meena Om

Waiting For A Better Tomorrow

I happened to meet a young lady who was working in a company based in Delhi. She complained that the terms and conditions at work were not very good and that she was, as a result, suffering from stress. I asked her if she wanted a formula for de-stressing and since she seemed interested, I gave her a spiritual formula that was given by the Prophet of Islam. The Prophet said, "Waiting for a better tomorrow is also a form of worship."


A few months later I happened to meet the same young lady again. This time she was happy. During our conversation, she said, "Now, I have got a job in another company which is better in every respect." This is not an isolated instance. I have tried this formula several hundred times during my own life and on each occasion, I have found it to be the best in dealing with such situations.


This formula has nothing mysterious about it. It is based on the well-established laws of nature. When you face some unwanted situation and you become negative, then you are bound to suffer some deprivation. Due to your negativity, you will hinder your intellectual development and you will become discontented with your job. You may even start underperforming and become unwanted, This shortcoming in your performance will lead to negative result in your life.


However, if you adopt the above formula, you will become stress-free and full of hope. This will make thinking positively a habit. A positive nature will surely enhance your skills and make you a more sought-after resource.


The above formula is not a religious one. It is based on human psychology. If your mindset turns negative, you diminishes your abilities. But if you work hard with a positive mindset, you improve your abilities. This is a law of nature, and is irreversible.


It is an accepted fact that training enhances the scope for an individual, but training is not confined to professional institutions. There is another institution of training and that is one's own mind. Positive thinking is a natural form of intellectual training. This training institution is continuously at work and progressively makes you acquire a better personality. This is a miracle of nature and each one of us has it in his control. Everyone can have this experience.


This aspect of the mind is a great gift from nature. When we shun negativity and adopt the way of positive thinking, we initiate a process in our mind – a process of enhancement of our personality. Positivity helps to unfold our potential. As a result of this process, a positive thinker improves his prospects in life. On the contrary, negative thinking is most injurious to the process of personality development. Only positive thinking can be truly helpful in this process.


Our world is governed by well-known natural laws. The only way to progress is to discover these laws and follow them. Almost all cases of failure can be explained by people failing to follow laws of nature. Following this course is like travelling along a highway which will lead you straight to your destination. If, instead, you allow your vehicle to stray from this path, it will be difficult for you to reach your destination.


The Creator is Himself a positive mind. He loves positivity. He loves those who follow the positive way of life. Develop positive thinking as it will enhance your personality. Consequently, you will experience success.

By: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan on Apr 11, 2012