Thursday, June 30, 2016

If the mind is thus concentrated, the Goal is achieved

If the mind is thus concentrated, the Goal is achieved



Baba : Our art is unique. Remember this. To get Atmajnan, dhyana is needed i.e., the Atma-anushtana that pacifies and carries the mind into Samadhi. So give up all desires and dwell in your mind upon God in all. If the mind is thus concentrated, the Goal is achieved.


For Dhyana, meditate on me either as in form or as formless, mere Ananda. If such formless contemplation is hard, then think of my form, just as you see it here. Think of it night and day.

With such meditation, the mind dissolves into unity (i.e., attains Laya). The difference between subject, and object, (me and you) and the act of contemplation will be lost. This results in Chaitanya Ghanata, Brahma Samarasata. The Guru's glance is bread and milk for the pupil.



(Baba's Charters and Sayings # 138)



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